Terms and Conditions - NF ACADEMY

Terms & Conditions for attending Local Programs

Last updated 16.12.2020 Revised 10.01.2023

In case a translation to other languages changes the meaning of the terms & conditions, the following version stands.

We define programs as local when the agenda/schedule is a day program excluding accommodation, meals and leisure activities organized by NF Academy. Some of our Local Programs are Weekend Training, Indoor Training, Winter Training, Team Training, NF Progression, NF International Trials, NF Girl Camp, Goalkeeper Camp and Individual Training.


  1. Registration 

When the customer in writing, through our electronic booking form, completes the order and accepts the terms, it establishes a binding contract between both parties. The person completing the booking form accepts responsibility for themselves and the person they sign up for. It is the customer’s responsibility to familiarize themselves with and understand NF Operational AS`s terms & conditions.


To provide the NF Products, we must process information about the participant and legal guardian. The data controller responsible for your information is Football Invest AS, Statsminister Michelsens veg 38, 5230 Paradis, Norway (org. number 926 148 788).

The data is shared with the NF Academy International, Edificio OneWorld – Urbanização Belo Horizonte, lote 20, piso 2-D, 2655-241, Ericeira, Portugal, and

Nordic Football Academy Norge AS, Frusetbakken 17, 2817 Gjøvik, Norway (org. number 925 740 578) and NF Operational AS, Nøysomheten 19 A, 5232 Paradis (929 190 335).  The information will only be used related to NF Academy Products. This is in line with GDPR rules and regulations.


  1. Payment

The payment is made through our electronic booking form with card or mobile payment. The payment platform being used is Nets , and managed by NF Operational AS. The order is approved when payment has been made.

The program price includes a service fee of 300 SEK and this fee is non-refundable.

Customers that show up at the event without a booking for the event will be denied participation, or they can book the event on camp site*, through our online booking form and show receipt to NF staff. NF Operational AS does not accept cash payments, all orders must go through the provided booking solution.

If a customer is granted a refund we will only give refunds to the same Card that was used when ordering the camp. If the client, for any reason,  does not have the Card in his possession we will issue a Voucher.

*As long as there are available spots in the group.


  1. Cancellation by Force Majeure

The event may be canceled if it is during the event or in immediate proximity, it is weather conditions that makes it impossible to complete the event, closed facilities or other factors out of our control, determined war, natural disasters, terrorism, infectious diseases or other events of the same caliber. And there are reasonable assumptions that this will still take place when the event starts.

If canceled for reasons mentioned above, the client has the right to be refunded (minus the service fee of 300 SEK). The event cannot be canceled  for the reasons mentioned above if it was or should have been known before booking of the event. NF Operational AS follows the local Authorities recommendations.


  1. Cancellation by participants

NF Operational AS will not grant refunds for the participants fee for other reasons other than force majeure. If the participants decides to cancel their booking,  the following applies

  • If a cancellation is sent in writing more than 14 days before the start date of an event, we will issue a voucher or move to another local event. A cancellation less than 14 days before the start date gives no refund or voucher.
  • If the player is injured or gets sick and notifies us before the event starts, the player will have a free spot in a future local event. Medical certificates must be presented.


Refunds or vouchers will not be given if :

  • a participant is absent at the start of the event or is prevented from participating due to transport problems (plane, car, bus, train), the participant must pay for the event in full.
  • the participants do not show up for the event or did not report their absence in writing prior to the event start.
  • the participant gets sick or injured during an event. We will not refund or give a voucher for the corresponding “missed time”.


  1. Insurance

NF Operational AS organizes sporting events that involve a certain risk for the physical injuries, and all participants are strongly advised to have insurance that covers such cases. The customer is responsible for taking out necessary and recommended insurance.

By accepting these terms & conditions, the customer is denied the right to sue NF Operational AS or any partners, subsidiaries, company’s employees related to incidents related to physical injuries.


  1. Cancellation by NF Operational AS 

NF Operational AS may cancel an event if:

  • There are too few participants when the registration deadline is reached to complete the event.
  • Conditions at the destination entail a risk to the customer’s lives and health
  • Coaches are sick, unable to show up to the event due to canceled / delayed flights / transport.
  • Weather conditions that make it impossible to complete the event, closed facilities or other factors out of our control.


If a cancellation is necessary, NF Operational AS is required to inform the customer in writing as soon as they are familiar with the situation. The customer is entitled to a partial refund of what has been paid to NF Operational AS (Participant fee minus the service fee of 300 SEK).

If NF Operational AS finds it necessary to cancel an event that has begun, the participant can not claim a refund. NF Operational AS is not responsible for any costs to third parties (ex. transportation, accommodation).


  1. Obligations for the parties

7.1 NF Operational ASs obligations

  • Representatives from NF Operational AS must show up prepared at the agreed time
  • Representatives of NF Operational AS are responsible for running the event and providing the program purchased.

7.2 Participant’s obligations

The participants (including players and parents/family) are responsible for reading all information sent by NF Operational AS to the participant prior to the event.

Participants are responsible for familiarizing themselves with and following the «Guidelines and Rules », sent by NF Operational AS prior to the event. Parents are responsible for communicating the rules to the player.

Participants must accept decisions where the coach can change their positions, agenda or other sports related matters.


  1. Refund disclaimer

Refund terms related to defects of the sports program:

Participants are not entitled to claim a refund for the player’s position, see section 7.2 related to positions.

Participants are not entitled to a refund for the quality of the coach and the sporting program.


  1. Use of data and images in marketing and communication

By accepting the Terms & Conditions, the customer allows the use of photos and videos of the player in marketing  activities for Nordic Football Academy Norge AS, NF International LDA and NF Operational AS. The customer also allows Nordic Football Academy Norge AS,NF International LDA and NF Operational AS to send newsletters, emails and other relevant communication to the registered email and phone number.


  1. Possible complaint

If you wish to file a complaint, please use this form and we will review the request.


  1. Disclaimer

By accepting these Terms & Conditions the customer is denied the right to sue Nordic Football Academy Norge AS, NF International LDA and NF Operational AS or any partners, subsidiaries, company’s employees or other persons related to Nordic Football Academy Norge,  NF International LDA and NF Operational AS.

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